1. 1 What's your ideal Saturday?

    1. Going to a concert with friends
    2. Playing video/board games
    3. Working on an art project
    4. Relaxing with friends
    5. Going to the park (assuming that the weather is good!)
  2. 2 Which pet would you adopt?

    1. Golden Retriever
    2. Greyhound
    3. Ferret
    4. Cat
    5. Bird
  3. 3 What is your favourite season?

    1. Spring
    2. Summer
    3. Autumn
    4. Winter
    5. The Rainy Season
  4. 4 Pick a colour

    1. Green
    2. Black
    3. White
    4. Turquoise
    5. Yellow
  5. 5 What type of music do you like?

    1. Classical
    2. Country
    3. Alternative/indie
    4. Rock
    5. Pop/Rap
  6. 6 What subject do you like the most?

    1. Math
    2. Chemistry
    3. History
    4. Art
    5. English
  7. 7 What is your Hogwarts house?

    1. Slytherin
    2. Gryffindor
    3. Hufflepuff
    4. Ravenclaw
    5. I don't know
  8. 8 If you could get free tickets to one of these concerts, who would you pick?

    1. Ariana Grande
    2. Billie Eilish
    3. BTS
    4. Shawn Mendes
    5. None of them

What Tea are You?

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  1. Quiz result

    Green Tea

    You are active in all parts of your life! You love to move around, whether it’s dancing or playing soccer! You probably own a yoga mat and at least two face masks. At work/school, your peers value your productive mindset, and your friends are drawn to your fun, upbeat personality.

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  2. Quiz result

    White Tea

    You have a sweet, light personality! You prefer to go with the flow, and you love nature (you’ve probably been called a hippie before). You are known for your youthful joy and the way you can light up a room just by walking in.

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  3. Quiz result

    Black Tea

    You are soooo popular! People all around the world love you because of your bold personality. Your friends and family appreciate your honesty and (occasional) tough love. You still have a fun side though! You’re the perfect blend of work and play.

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  4. Quiz result

    Oolong Tea

    You are unique! You don’t want to be put into a box. You’re probably artistic and take pride in your work, whether it’s painting, poetry, dancing, or something else entirely. You can appreciate tradition, but you also like to add your own twist. Your friends and family appreciate your complex personality and curiosity.

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  5. Quiz result

    Pu'er Tea

    You’re a bit of an old soul. Your friends and family value your calm demeanour and often tell you that you are wise beyond your years. You are a great listener, and it brings you joy to help others. You are hardworking and loyal, and people naturally trust you.

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