For Women’s History Month, we are taking time to celebrate a few amazing women in show business who have paved the way for Asian-Americans.

We are excited to celebrate not only these actresses but also the characters they play.

The roles they possess on- and off-screen contribute to global change for future generations of Asian-Americans to come.

Answer these questions to figure out which powerful woman you are from our favorite Asian-led blockbusters movies!

  1. 1 You can choose anywhere to go on vacation and the price doesn’t matter. Where do you go?

    1. Credit
      A skiing trip in the mountains
    2. Credit
      Anywhere by the beach, please
    3. Credit
      A trip to a city abroad
    4. Credit
      A hiking trip
  2. 2 What is your ideal partner like?

    1. Credit
      Loyal, bold and confidant
    2. Credit
      A hustler, successful and unflinching
    3. Credit
      Down-to-earth with a strong moral code
    4. Credit
      Shy, intentional and quirky
  3. 3 What date activity are you doing on your getaway?

    1. Credit
      Casual dinner date followed by a night walk or dancing
    2. Credit
      Late night dinner at a local diner
    3. Front row seats at a boxing match
    4. Credit
      Fast food in the car while driving around
  4. 4 What does your romantic dinner look like?

    1. Credit
      A hamburger, fries and a milkshake
    2. Credit
      Any type of breakfast food
    3. Credit
      Desserts only
    4. Credit
      Bruschetta and expensive authentic Italian ravioli
  5. 5 Vacations aren't romantic 24-7. What are you doing in your free time?

    1. Credit
      Playing card and board games
    2. Credit
      Drawing or do anything artistic
    3. Credit
      Working out
    4. Credit
      Cooking and trying out new recipes
  6. 6 While exploring your vacation spot, you end up at a party full of strangers. What do you do?

    1. Credit
      Hide in the corner to avoid talking to others because you don’t need any more friends
    2. Credit
      Politely mingle out of obligation but leave early
    3. Credit
      Get nervous so you overcompensate and drink/dance too much
    4. Credit
      Confidently navigate the party and meet new friends
  7. 7 When your romantic getaway comes to an end, what do you do?

    1. Credit
      Call your best friend to debrief about how the whole weekend went
    2. Credit
      Get space from your romantic getaway partner for at least two days to reflect about your potential future together
    3. Credit
      Frantically catch up on work and see what you missed at your job
    4. Credit
      Beg your partner to stay a few extra days at the getaway

Plan Your Perfect Romantic Getaway and Discover Which Female Movie Lead You're Most Like

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  1. Quiz result

    You are Lara Jean Covey from “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before”!

    You are shy, a little quirky and spend a lot of time in your own mind. You’re a little goofy and awkward in relationships and expressing your emotions. You find it hard to let people see the real you outside of a few friends and family. 

    Despite this, you fall in love very easily. You rely on yourself and value independence, loyalty and helping others!

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  2. Quiz result

    You are Xu Xialing from “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings”!

    You are fiercely independent and never let people into your life. You value hard work, dedication and loyalty above all else. Family and honesty are the most important values in your life. 

    You have a few close friends and don’t want anymore. But you would do anything to protect the friends you have, even going outside of the law!

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  3. Quiz result

    You are Rachel Chu from “Crazy Rich Asians”!

    You are funny, frank, down-to-Earth and a natural people-pleaser. Your energy makes everyone want to be around you! 

    You are morally led with a strong backbone and a low tolerance for dishonesty and laziness. You rely on analysis rather than emotion and have the ability to see problems from all sides. You believe self-determination is the most important thing alongside your duty to family and friends.

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  4. Quiz result

    You are Sasha Tan from “Always Be My Maybe”!

    You are constantly on the go, trying to do the right thing in all aspects of your life. From your personal to professional goals, you are following the same dreams you had since you were young. You are unafraid of traveling to new places and being independent. 

    But you may be surrounded by your enemies, not your close friends. Being bold and funny in social settings is something you enjoy and you are not scared of what others think of you!

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Lily McAndrews
Lily McAndrews is a sophomore at the University of Oregon studying sociology and international relations. She is excited to help bridge the gap of education, culture, and diplomacy through writing!
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