It’s not-quite-scientifically-proven that all Asian kids of the diaspora belong to one of these six categories. As much as we might try to shake off stereotypes, to at least some degree we have one (or multiple) of these six energies.

Take our test to see which Asian kid type you are – and if your parents ask what you’re doing, call it an *insert your chosen AP Zoom class* online (pop)quiz.

  1. 1 Choose a drink

    1. Credit
      Boba tea
    2. Credit
      Coffee. Black.
    3. Credit
      Iced water
    4. Credit
      Green tea
    5. Credit
  2. 2 Choose a song

    1. Credit
      "Sicko Mode" - Travis Scott
    2. Credit
      "Kill This Love" - BLACKPINK
    3. Credit
      "Yummy" - Justin Bieber
    4. Credit
      "Shape of You" - Ed Sheeran
    5. Credit
      lofi beats to study to spotify playlist
    6. Credit
      "Losing It" - Fisher
  3. 3 Choose a dream vacation

    1. Credit
    2. Credit
      Skiing in the Alps
    3. Credit
      Japan's Sakura season
    4. Credit
      Coachella babyyy
    5. Credit
      Watersports and raves in Cabo
    6. Credit
      Vacation?? No vacation 'til college!
  4. 4 Choose a meal

    1. Credit
      Ding Tai Fung dim sum
    2. Credit
      Bottomless brunch
    3. Credit
    4. Credit
      Korean BBQ
    5. Credit
      Protein shake
    6. Credit
      Omega 3 a.k.a. brain food
  5. 5 Choose a Good College(TM)

    1. Credit
    2. Credit
    3. Credit
      Johns Hopkins
    4. Credit
      Wharton, UPenn
    5. Credit
    6. Credit
      University of California (Berkeley or LA)
  6. 6 Choose something to do after school

    1. Credit
      Model UN then Debate then Robotics then piano class then tutoring then homework then bedtime at 10pm
    2. Credit
      Photoshoot with friends
    3. Credit
      Grinding at the gym
    4. Credit
      Go shopping
    5. Credit
      School sports
    6. Credit
      Animal Crossing: New Horizons
  7. 7 Choose a social media

    1. Credit
    2. Credit
    3. Credit
    4. Credit
    5. Credit
    6. Credit
      Your school Gmail account
  8. 8 Choose something to binge-watch on Netflix

    1. Credit
      "Tiger King"
    2. Credit
    3. Credit
      Studio Ghibli movie marathon
    4. Credit
      "Meteor Garden"
    5. Credit
      "Our Planet"
    6. Credit

Which Asian Kid are You?

Created on
  1. Quiz result

    The Banana

    Yellow on the outside and white on the inside! Even though you look Asian, your heart lies in the West. Family gatherings are awkward because you don’t understand the language, the inside jokes or the pop culture. Or why everyone refuses to use the dishwasher. Your friends are probably white or bananas, and so are the people you date/crush on/will marry.

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  2. Quiz result

    The ABG

    You’re the “Asian Baby Girl”. Your hair is either bleached blonde or silver or ombre’d. You likely have a cartilage piercing or a belly button piercing, and your brows are always fire. You swear by eyelash extensions, boba tea, IG’s dog filter and your ABG girl gang. You live in Cali.

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  3. Quiz result

    The Perfect Child

    Harvard is the only acceptable Ivy ('d consider MIT, CalTech or Oxbridge), and you’ve had your eye on the prize since you were 6. You’ve been playing piano since you could talk, and you’re President of either Debate Club or Robotics. You want to be a lawyer, doctor, banker or engineer, and you probably suffer from extreme academic anxiety despite never getting below a 90%. Ever.

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  4. Quiz result

    The International Student

    Heralding from the motherland, you’re studying overseas in California, NYC or London. Second or third-gen rich, paying tuition fees topping $100k a year, you don’t bat an eyelash at any check. You’ve brought a hefty collection of CDG Converse, Supreme and your AirPods thousands of miles with you. Crazy, Rich Asians hits too close to home.

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  5. Quiz result

    Fresh Off the Boat

    You’ve taken time out of your Asian drama/Ghibli binge-watch to do this quiz, as you’re probably snacking on Pocky or Hello Panda cookies. You dream of falling in love with a mean-on-the-outside-yet-heart-of-gold rich heir. (But fair enough, who doesn’t?) Your regular listening playlist features K-Pop, and you play Animal Crossing on the Switch.

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  6. Quiz result

    The "Kevin Nguyen"

    Bro, your three loves are the gym, hip-hop and your Asian Baby Girl. You are very proud of your abs and/or arms, so you find any chance to take your shirt off when Spring Breaking in Miami or partying at Lollapalooza. But wearing Jordans does not Travis Scott make. Bro.

    Share Your Result

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Chloe Luo

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