For the Chinese movie industry, the prime time for new releases is always the “贺岁档”(Hè suì dǎng, “New Year movie season”),  which runs from late November to early March.

The season includes major holidays like Christmas, New Year’s, Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day one after the other. People often spend more time at the movie theater with their families and friends than usual.

 As a result, the New Year’s movie season is when movie companies bring out their best works and compete with each other for the biggest box office draw. This is especially true during the long Chinese New Year holiday. 

At the height of the New Year’s movie season, take this quiz and see which new Chinese movie you should watch!

  1. 1 Who would you like to watch a movie with?

    1. Parents
    2. Boyfriend/Girlfriend
    3. Nah, just myself
    4. Younger Siblings
    5. Friends
  2. 2 If you can only choose one, which of the following makes a movie great?

    1. Storytelling
    2. Animation Techniques
    3. Movie Set
    4. Actors’ Performances
    5. Special Effects
  3. 3 Choose one of the following genres:

    1. Detective Story
    2. Anime
    3. Wuxia
    4. Action
    5. Time Travel
  4. 4 Choose one of the following keywords. Use your instincts!

    1. Heartwarming
    2. Hilarious
    3. Sarcastic
    4. Punk
    5. Imaginative

Which 2021 New Year’s Movie Should You Watch?

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  1. Quiz result

    “你好,李焕英” (Nǐ hǎo, lǐhuànyīng) / “Hi, Mom”


    If you like heartwarming comedies, “Hi, Mom” is for you! Adapted from the top Chinese female comedian Jia Ling’s sketch comedy, “Hi, Mom” is directed by and stars Jia herself. 

    The whole movie commemorates Jia’s mom, who passed away right after Jia got into college. 

    In the movie, Jia Xiaoling’s mom passes away in an accident in 2001, and Jia unexpectedly travels back in time to 1981 and becomes besties with her mom.

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  2. Quiz result

    “唐人街探案3” (Tángrénjiē tàn àn 3) / “Detective Chinatown 3”


    If you like a hilarious detective story, this one is for you! It is the third work of the hit “Detective Chinatown” series by playwright Chen Sicheng. 

    After cases in Bangkok and New York, detectives Tang Ren (王宝强 Wang Baoqiang) and Qin Feng (刘昊然 Liu Haoran) are invited to Tokyo by detective Noda Hiroshi (Tsumabuki Satoahi) to solve a murder. 

    A battle between the smartest detectives in Asia unfolds. The movie was an ambitious grand production from the very beginning. 

    They spent 300 million yen (about 2.8 million USD) replicating the famous Shibuya crossing, and used over 3000 background actors just for a scene there.  

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  3. Quiz result

    “刺杀小说家” (Cìshā xiǎoshuō jiā) / “A Writer’s Odyssey”


    “A Writer’s Odyssey” brings the audience to a fantasy world with its impressive CGI!

    It tells the story of “a father who is tasked with killing a novelist in order to save his [missing] daughter. It turns out that the man’s writing creates a fantastical world that ends up influencing the father’s quest.”

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  4. Quiz result

    “人潮汹涌” (Réncháo xiōngyǒng) / “Endgame”


    Dark humor it is! In “Endgame,” a world-class hitman Zhou Quan accidentally swaps his identity with a struggling actor Chen Xiaomeng. 

    It stars the beloved Hong Kong veteran actor and one of Cantopop’s “Four Heavenly Kings” Andy Lau (刘德华) and many others. 

    Thanks to this, “Endgame” has received great reviews on its actors’ performances.  

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  5. Quiz result

    “新神榜:哪吒重生” (Xīn shén bǎng: Né zhā chóngshēng) / “New Gods: Nezha Reborn”


    Anime fans, try this one! “New Gods: Nezha Reborn” is a fantasy story. The movie was created by the same team of the acclaimed 2019 Chinese anime “White Snake.” 

    It gives the traditional Chinese Nezhamythology a modern and even punk twist. Three thousand years after conquering the Dragon King, Nezha is reincarnated as Li Yunxiang, a motor racing fan. 

    With a fate passed down from Nezha, Li has to become a true hero in his war against Nezha’s old enemy.

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