Camping has become a popular way for Chinese people to spend their leisure time. 

Young people in China like to be engaged in this activity during holiday seasons as camping is now often associated with a “healthy travel style.” They have a clear idea of how they can benefit from it. 

Meanwhile, there are some other specific reasons why Chinese people prefer camping. 

Escape From the Hustle and Bustle of City Life

Nowadays young people living in big cities are faced with huge pressure at work every day. Working overtime has become part of their daily lives.

Many of them consider camping an effective way to alleviate their stress. Indeed, camping provides them with the opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. It makes them feel relaxed and energized.

At the same time, it also allows them to enjoy a bit of serenity just for themselves. Unlike staying in a hotel, camping is an ideal choice for people to have a close contact with nature.

Passion for DIY

Another reason why camping is so popular among young people now is that people prefer to get everything done by themselves.

When it comes to travelling, many people tend to arrange everything from the itinerary to cooking by themselves. Camping turns out to be exactly what they need in order to "design their own style of travelling."

Make New Friends

There is a chance for young people to bump into some like-minded people when they go camping.

If they wouldn't like to spend all the time just by themselves, they can choose to stay in a campsite. Different kinds of activities are usually organized in campsites, which enables them to know more about other campers.  

Many Chinese people are actually looking to gain friendships during camping trips.

Family Time

Chinese people spend most of their time in a fast-paced working environment. They hardly have any time left for their family members.

Going camping on weekends is a good idea for adults to spend more time with their spouses and kids. Moreover, teenagers have the opportunity to learn to be independent. Sometimes they might need to solve unexpected problems by themselves.

No wonder camping is getting more and more popular. It can be relaxing and educational.

Impact on the Ecological Environment

On one hand, camping brings Chinese people a lot of joy. One the other hand, some people in China pay little attention to environmental protection.

When they’re ready to head back home, they don’t take the empty cans and bottles with them. They tend to just leave them under the trees or in the bushes.

However, the Chinese government has been making efforts to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection. As a result, more and more people have started to realize the importance of minimizing the negative impact of their activities on the ecological environment.

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