China is a country best known for both its rich history and culture. But it also has lots of adrenaline-filled adventures to help push you outside of your comfort zone!

  1. 1 Hiking and Camping on the Great Wall of China

    Hiking and camping on the Great Wall is one of the most memorable experiences you can have in China, but also the least known.  

    The Great Wall has various sections you can visit. The Gubeikou (古北口, Gǔběikǒu) section is the best choice to avoid tourist crowds! 

    Once you find yourself at the entrance of the Great Wall, you will have to pay the entrance fee which is around 20 yuan. Follow the signs until you have two options: turn left or turn right. Remember to choose right. 

    Soon you'll find yourself at the perfect campsite on one of China's ancient attractions! Be sure to pack a tent and sleeping bag with plenty of food and water! 

    This hiking trip is good for all types of fitness levels, but you will be doing a lot of walking up and down hills.

  2. 2 Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

    Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is the world's largest and highest glass-bottom bridge. This bridge spans over two mountains in Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon. 

    On this transparent glass bridge you can enjoy a panoramic view of the canyon.

    If you decide you’re still yearning for a last-minute adrenaline rush, don't worry. You can also bungee jump in the middle of the bridge! 

    Bungee jumping costs around $30-$400 per jump depending on the location and height. Unfortunately the higher the jump, the higher the cost.

  3. 3 Bamboo Rafting on the Yulong River

    Yulong is also known as Little Li River, the longest branch of the Li River in Yangshuo County. Rafting along the Yulong River, you will not only see the beautiful natural scenery, but also find ancient villages and various old stone bridges. 

    The most popular and expensive section of the river is from the Jinlong Bridge to Jiuxian County. This takes around 1.5-2 hours of rafting time. 

    There is also a cheaper option: bamboo rafting from Gongnong Bridge to Wanjing. Prices range from 250 yuan to 350 yuan (about $40-$55) for a raft that fits two people.

  4. 4 Kitesurfing Hainan Island

    Hainan Island is also known as "the Hawaii of China,” a place with good wind conditions all year around. Hainan Island is situated in the South China Sea, to the very south of mainland China. It is best to go to Haikou or Sanya. 

    Kitesurfing is best during the winter months from October through March. You will find strong and reliable winds during this season. 

    Renting equipment can cost anywhere from 300 yuan to 800 yuan (around $40-$125) depending on if you want to rent it out hourly or daily. This adventure is definitely on the pricier end, but it is without a doubt worth it!

    Next time you find the chance to travel make sure to check out these exciting activities! Where is your next adventure going to be? 

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Abigail Heng

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