Everyone has been buzzing about Netflix’s latest reality dating show “Single’s Inferno.” After bingeing that, you’re probably looking for your next dating show obsession. 

With Valentine’s Day coming up, instead of fighting to get a dinner reservation at your favorite restaurant, why not stay in your cozy home? 

Your “dessert” might just be on your screen. Grab a bowl of popcorn and your favorite drink because you are about to get a sweet treat. 

Here are three Chinese reality dating shows you should watch.

  1. 1 Heart Signal 心动的信号 (Xīn dòng de xìn hào)

    What happens when a group of strangers lives together in a house? 

    “Heart Signal”《心动的信号》(Xīn dòng de xìn hào) is a Chinese remake of the Korean reality dating show of the same name. This show brings eight millennials together to live under one roof for 30 days. 

    There are a series of rules these participants must follow. For example, they must come back to the Signal House (信号屋, Xìn hào wū) each night. They also must not confess their love for each other during the entirety of the show. 

    This is an exciting show because there is romance with a splash of suspense. The panelists and audience go on a hunt to detect who is falling in love with whom. 

    The audience witnesses awkward beginnings grow into crushes. It goes to show that finding love in this day and age is extremely difficult. 

    What’s more, besides regular celebrity panelists like Darren Chen and Yang Chao Yue, there is also a behavioral psychologist on the show. He talks about the scientific side of romantic love. 

    “Heart Signal” is an extremely entertaining show and definitely worth a try. 

    You can watch the first episode of season 1 above without subtitles, or you can watch season 2 with multiple subtitles on Viki.

  2. 2 Let's Fall in Love 我们恋爱吧 (Wǒ men liàn ài ba)

    “Let’s Fall in Love”《我们恋爱吧》(Wǒ men liàn ài ba) is a similar show to “Heart Signal.” 

    However instead of finding love in a beautiful house, the participants are invited onto a yacht with two “love routes” for a week-long stay. In each love route there are several single men and women of different ages and occupations. 

    You can witness growth, friendship and love blossoming. “Let’s Fall in Love” provides positive guidance for young men and women. Through watching the show, the audience is also inspired to take a chance and pursue love bravely. 

    The show invites special guests and experts in the field of romantic love to form a love observation team. Their job is to predict and analyze the participants’ psychological changes and emotional trends. 

    The team is empathic, sensitive and an important anchor of the show. Give this show a try if you are looking for something relaxing and heartwarming. 

    You can watch season 3 with multiple subtitles on YouTube

  3. 3 Love Timing 喜欢你我也是 (Xǐ huān nǐ wǒ yě shì)

    “Love Timing”《喜欢你我也是》(Xǐ huān nǐ wǒ yě shì) invites eight singles to live in an exquisite villa for 30 days. The participants all have high education and emotional intelligence and good looks. 

    What makes “Love Timing” different from the two shows mentioned above is that this show focuses on single men and women in urban Beijing. 

    The participants show pride in the workplace. but it contrasts with their lonely and introverted lives. This show validates that it is extremely hard to find love, especially in a busy city like Beijing. 

    The panelists form a group and try to catch all of the signals of love. They compete for the title of “love master.” 

    Immerse yourself in the reasoning, psychology and behaviors of romantic love. Build your own view on “What is love?”

    You can watch “Love Timing” season 1 and season 2 on iQIYI with multiple subtitles.

    After watching these shows you will be ready to find love on your own.

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Amie Lin

Amie Lin is currently attending Hunter College double majoring in Mandarin and Media Studies. She is such a foodie and loves Chinese dramas.
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