After quarantining for months, we could all use a bit of comfort right now. Take this quiz to get a recipe for your perfect kind of comfort food! 

Your first question might be: what is considered Chinese comfort food? 

The simple answer: any food that brings YOU comfort can be defined as comfort food. 

This quiz’s foods that have brought comfort to expats and people of the Chinese diaspora scattered around the world. 

Find out which one you are and get a recipe for how to make it! 

  1. 1 What is one word you would use to describe yourself?

    1. Popular
    2. Original
    3. Daring
    4. Energetic
    5. Classy
    6. Calming
  2. 2 What Asian city would you want to visit?

    1. Kyoto
    2. Taipei
    3. Hong Kong
    4. Cebu
    5. Busan
    6. Singapore
  3. 3 What is your favorite book?

    1. Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
    2. The Expatriates by Janice Y.K. Lee
    3. The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
    4. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han
    5. 5 Star Billionaire by Tash Aw
    6. Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
  4. 4 What is your favorite activity?

    1. Running
    2. Swimming
    3. Cross Stitching
    4. Baking
    5. Gardening
  5. 5 Pick a scene that comforts you

    1. Cozy night with tea and a good book
    2. Snowy cottage
    3. Delicious picnic
    4. Peaceful lake
    5. Beautiful sunset
    6. Warm fireplace

What Chinese Comfort Food Are You?

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  1. Quiz result


    You are the kind of person who owns a heated blanket and a cabinet full of tea. This is the kind of comfort food that is needed on a cold, rainy day. Congee is not only popular as a Chinese dish but also in Burma, Indonesia, Japan, and even parts of Europe! It is a flexible, delicious breakfast meal that can be sweet or savory, depending on what you have in the pantry. 

    Congee Recipe:

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  2. Quiz result

    Cong You Bing aka Scallion Pancakes

    This is the kind of comfort food that can be found at any street vendor’s shop. You are consistent, daring, and always fun to be around. Not only are you easy to travel with, but your unique taste makes you irreplaceable. You are the kind of person who plays dress up in your house, putting on your grandmother’s vintage dresses and heels to dance around. 

    Scallion Pancakes Recipe:

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  3. Quiz result

    Spring Rolls

    This is the kind of comfort food that goes with any meal! It is a great side dish, an energetic appetizer, and fun on its own! You are very sociable, and like spring rolls with all sauces and dips, add a splash of fire-cracker flavor to any party! This is the kind of comfort food that inspires artistic inspiration and productive at-home crafts. 

    Spring Roll Recipe:

    Or if you don't want to mess with wrappers, try this Egg Roll Bowl Recipe:

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  4. Quiz result

    Pot Stickers

    This is the rockstar of comfort food. You are a staple, classy and dependable. There isn’t a time of day that you don’t thrive. Everyone knows your name and wants to be your friend. You are the kind of person who builds a fort in your house out of a mountain of pillows that also works as a maze. Pot Stickers Recipe:

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  5. Quiz result

    Wonton Soup

    You are warm, inviting, and accepting. You are a wonderful shoulder to cry on. You are the best at giving loving hugs. You are the kind of person who stays up late watching and laughing at old home videos under the covers. 

    Wonton Soup Recipe:

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  6. Quiz result

    Lo Mein

    This is elegant comfort food. You know your power. You expect and deserve respect from those around you. When you have something to say, people listen. You are the kind of person that commands a room and expels loneliness with the power of your noodles.

    Lo Mein Recipe:

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Emma Federer

Emma Federer is a wacky screenwriter that uses her voice to celebrate of all things Asian: from C-pop to female stand-ups to the heart-warming experiences of queer Asian Americans.
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