Do you watch Chinese films? TV dramas? TV reality shows?

If yes, then you should visit the Hengdian World Studios – the place where 70% of China’s film and TV series productions are shot annually.

People often call it “China’s Hollywood”. The studios are located in Hengdian, a small town in Dongyang city, Zhejiang Province.

Hengdian World Studios is the world’s largest film & TV base. 

As China successfully brought Covid-19 under control, Hengdian became lively again.

Starting from July 2020, Hengdian welcomed over 45 different film crews and over 65 were scheduled for a later date.

Hengdian is also a National AAAAA Tourist Attraction and the largest film & TV tourism theme park cluster in China.

The town has more than twenty film & TV shooting bases, which are also scenic spots for tourists.

These shooting bases include the imitation of Qin Palace, Qingming Shanghe Tu, Ming and Qing Palatial Garden, Dream Valley, Dream Bund, Sunny Spring Valley, and New Yuanmingyuan Palace.

Hengdian World Studios has established interaction between film & TV and tourism.

In addition to the scenic spots, Hengdian has wonderful performing arts for tourists.

You would be amazed by the large-scale performance arts shows such as acrobatic performances and water dance shows that tell ancient Chinese stories.

Don't miss the Dream Valley amusement park! Check out the trip website to plan your weekend in Hengdian!

Over the years, Hengdian received more than 170 million tourists and 2,800 crews.

Hengdian puts you in a time machine and takes you back to the past.

As you walk on the streets, you might see actors walking in Han Chinese costumes, Martial Arts clothing, or many other eye-catching costumes from Chinese history or fictional worlds!

Lots of Chinese costume dramas were shot in Hengdian, such as the popular “The Untamed”, “Word of Honor”, "Ashes of Love" etc. You can watch these TV dramas on Netflix.

In fact, most of the films in the Chinese movies & TV category on Netflix have been shot in Hengdian.

Check out the following 3 films that have been shot in Hengdian World Studios:

1921 Film Trailer


1. 《1921》- a Chinese historical film set in 1921.

It shows the early history and founding of the Communist Party of China 100 years ago.

The film has been released on July 1, 2021, and has reached a box office of 422 million RMB in the past 14 days.

People can visit the shooting location for this film in Hengdian.

Hengdian provides an immersive and interactive experience. It is a great way to deepen children's understanding of their country's history after watching the film.

华策影视官方频道 China Huace TV Official Channel

2. 《The Long Ballad》- is a fictitious love story set during the backdrop of the Tang dynasty.

The story is about princess Li Change, who tries to seek revenge for her family.

During the adventure, she forms a military partnership with a General, Ashina Sun, and gradually realizes that their relationship is more than that.

The TV series was released in March 2021. Now it can be watched on Youtube with English subtitles.


3. 《Legend of Fei》- tells the story of the female warrior Zhou Fei (played by Liying Zhao ) and her adventure with Xie Yun (played by Yibo Wang), a young martial arts master, who is hiding his true identity.

Together, they reveal a huge secret that has been buried for many years.

It was shot in Hengdian in April 2020 and was released at the beginning of 2021.

Due to the popularity of the leading actors, this Chinese historical drama gained much attention. Check it out if you still haven't watched it!

Are you planning your holiday in Hengdian? Or are you starting to watch the films and TV series that were shot in Hengdian?

You can check out their website any time for the latest news.

Wish you a great and immersive journey as you dive into Hengdian scenery either in real life or through film.

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