1. 5 超能力(chāo néng lì)Superpower

    G.E.M (Deng Zi Qi) released this song in April and received attention right after when she created a dance challenge on Dou Yin.  

    The easy dance moves and the catchy chorus make everyone want to dance when they hear the song!

    Many celebrities have danced with her, including Jackson Wang, JJ Lin, Lu Han, Deng Chao, Cheng He, Nana Ou-Yang etc.

    Listen to it and you will think you have the superpower!


    Here is the full version:

  2. 4 别叫我达芬奇(bíe jiào wǒ dá fēn qí)

    Chinese singer and formal member of Nine Percent Xiao Gui, released a new version of this song in May 2021. You can also listen to its original version here.

    Along with the song, he created a dance challenge on Dou Yin.

    Lots of people followed the challenge and went all out to dance.

    Check it out and dance with your friends!

    Here is the full version of the song:

    (Credit: Dream Music Studio)

  3. 3 漫不经心(màn bù jīng xīn)Dance

    How did Jolin's song "日不落" (rì bú luò, sun will never set) that was released in 2007 go viral on Dou Yin 14 years later?

    It all started from fan-made videos. 

    In one of Chinese boy band TNT's  practice videos, they danced to Seventeen's song - "Nice". 

    Their fans found that the a part of the choreography for "Nice" matched "日不落" song's rhythm, so the fans changed the background music (BGM) and posted it on Dou Yin.

    One of the members of TNT, Song Ya Xuan, saw the video on the internet and responded by dancing to this song on Weibo.

    (Credit: TNT时代少年团 宋亚轩 个人频道 SONG YA XUAN)

    The dance trend got noticed after Song Ya Xuan’s  response. And now, lots of Dou Yin users are dancing to this song.

    The key to this song is "漫不经心"(màn bù jīng xīn), meaning "doing it casually, without putting in too much effort".

  4. 2 热爱105度的你 (rè ài yī bǎi líng wǔ dù de nǐ)

    Fun fact: this trend began as  a promotion song for Watson's Distilled Water that was released in June 2019.

    But recently it went viral after it was used as BGM for fan made videos. 

    Now, the intro to the song has been covered by many Chinese celebrities. 

    Every other video uses this song!

    With the sweet lyrics, this song gives us summer vibes. Check it out to get prepared for the hot summer!

    Here is the full version!

    (Credit: Dream Music Studio)

  5. 1 快乐星球(kuài lè xīng qiú )

    This is the most popular BGM of 2021! No one can disagree with that!

    It is a soundtrack from the “Happy Planet 5”, sung by Ma Jia Qi, a member of the TNT boy group.

    Happy Planet is CCTV China's first large-scale sci-fi TV series for children. The 1st season was produced in 2004, and the 5th season was produced in 2014. 

    However, due to various circumstances, the show was only released 6 years after, in 2020.

    Ma Jia Qi, who is now 18 years old, is known as the leader of TNT. With his popularity, the old TV series quickly got attention. 

    Regardless of the "fifty cent special effects", the soundtrack from the TV series went viral and became a meme on the Internet.

    People made rap versions, DJ versions, funny song covers. The catchy melody was even used by CCTV to promote high speed rail in China!

    Credit: Music JLF Channel

    No one ever thought that it would become so popular!

    Ask your Chinese friend "什么是快乐星球?" (shén me shì kuài lè xīng qiú), meaning "What is the happy planet?"

    They will most likely answer you "如果你想知道什么是快乐星球的话,我现在就带你研究!", meaning "if you want to know what the happy planet is, I will take you to study it right now!"

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