It is impossible to know everything about a celebrity, especially something as personal as their sexual orientation. But these are four ethnically Chinese LGBTQ+ celebrities role models.

  1. 1 Leslie Cheung 张国荣 (Zhāng Guó Róng)

    Leslie Cheung

    If you love Cantopop, you should definitely be familiar with the name Leslie Cheung or 张国荣. Throughout his 26-year career, the Hong Kong native was an extremely successful singer and actor. 

    Chueng became one of the most influential pioneers of Cantopop in the 1980s. However, despite his successful career, he faced social prejudice once he announced to the public that he was bisexual

    The prejudice affected him so much that he suffered from depression. Sadly, Cheung took his life on April 1, 2003. It broke the hearts of his many fans. 

    Leslie Cheung was one of the first male celebrities in Hong Kong to reveal their sexuality. To the public, he was the perfect heterosexual male lover. 

    During a time when being LGBTQ+ was considered an abnormality, Cheung was brave enough to reveal his true sexuality. His coming out paved the way for LGBTQ+ movements and awareness in Hong Kong.

  2. 2 Kevin Tsai 蔡康永 (Cài Kāng Yǒng)

    Kevin Tsai

    Kevin Tsai is a Taiwanese actor, writer, director and most famously a TV host. He is well-known for co-hosting the variety TV comedy program “康熙来了” (Kāng xī lái le). 

    Tsai is openly gay. He announced this news himself in an interview and said that there isn’t enough awareness about the Taiwanese LGBTQ+ community. He considers himself one of the lucky ones. 

    As a gay celebrity, he brings awareness and normalizes the LGBTQ+ community in Taiwan. He is a role model to many children who are struggling to understand their sexuality and need someone to look up to. 

  3. 3 Susanna Kwan 关菊英 (Guān Jú Yīng)

    Susanna Kwan

    If you love watching TVB for Cantonese dramas, you have definitely seen Susanna Kwan before. She is one of the most well-known TVB actors. She plays important roles in many of the classic TVBs like “溏心風暴” (Táng xīn fēng bào). 

    In 1982, Kwan married Michael Lai. However she later divorced him and is now in a relationship with her girlfriend Willy Chow. 

    In an interview, she said that she is not afraid of what the public thought of her and felt very happy with Chow. 

    Susanna Kwan shows that the journey to finding your sexuality is an exploration. Wrong decisions can be made and that is totally okay.

  4. 4 Jin Xing 金星 (Jīn Xīng)

    Jin Xing

    Jin Xing is a Chinese dancer, actress and TV host. As a child, she wished she was struck by lightning that could somehow turn her into a girl. 

    In 1995, she finally underwent sex reassignment surgery. Jin also adopted three children

    She is living proof that a transgender woman can also be a wonderful mother

    Interviews with Jin show that she has struggled a lot. But she is now happy and lives with her children and husband in Shanghai. 

    Jin Xing should be everyone’s role model regardless of her sexuality!

    Do you know any other ethnically Chinese celebrities who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community? Let us know in the comments below!

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Amie Lin

Amie Lin is currently attending Hunter College double majoring in Mandarin and Media Studies. She is such a foodie and loves Chinese dramas.
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