via Finance Sina (新浪财经)

  1. 1 塌房 (tā fáng)

    “塌房” literally means "house collapsed". Nowadays, when people say that their "house fell apart", it actually means that their idol got into a relationship or did something wrong.

    In the Chinese and Korean pop industry, idols are not allowed to be in relationships while they are still up-and-coming. This is because their fans spend lots of money to see them debut and are vital to their burgeoning career. 

    It is considered unacceptable to many fans if their idol dates someone. Therefore, 塌房 is a huge issue in the Chinese idol industry. If your idol's name appears to be linked to this word, that more likely means they are going a downhill path in their career.

    Originally it came from a Korean interview. An old lady from a small village told the journalist that she saw a house that fell down further down the road. 

    She wanted to be a bystander and see what happened. But when she came closer, she recognized that it was actually her house that fell apart.

    After that, the phrase "我房子塌了" (wǒ fáng zi tā le.) has often been used on the Internet to describe the sad feeling of fans when they realize their idol entered a relationship or did something bad.

    If a celebrity that you like announced that they married all of a sudden, you can say "我房子塌了" or “我塌房了”.

  2. 2 爷青回 (yé qīng huí)

    "爷青回" stands for "我的青春回来了", which means "my youth came back." It is used to describe the happiness experienced when people see familiar people or things after many years.

    For example, at an event, three cast members from the TV series "Chinese Paladin 3" took a group photo. Twelve years have passed since the end of the TV series. 

    They did not appear on screen together after that. After seeing the group photo in 2021, netizens exclaimed on how fast time passes and expressed their happiness to see the actresses 12 years later with "爷青回".

    This internet term made its first appearance back in 2020, mostly used on Bilibili. But people still use it in 2021 to exclaim that their childhood or youth memories are back.

    For example, if "Friends" was your favorite show in your youth, then you can exclaim "爷青回!" after hearing about "Friends: The Reunion!"

  3. 3 干饭人 (gàn fàn rén)

    "干饭" and "吃饭" (chī fàn) both mean "eat" in Chinese. But unlike "吃", "干" describes a more vigorous way of eating. 

    In the Sichuanese dialects, "干饭" means just the normal way of eating. After the word got popular across the country, it started to mean a more energetic way of eating.

    "干饭人" is the person, who is eager to eat and enjoys eating delicacy.

    It also reflects a positive attitude towards life. "干饭人" usually love food and love their lives. 

    They know how to enjoy themselves. They believe that eating delicious food will give energy to work hard, earn money and degustate even better food.

    It can also mean that this person eats a lot.

    People usually say "干饭了!", which means "it's time to eat!".

    Amaze your friends by using these terms in your conversations!

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