Although Veganuary is well and truly over, clean eating is still on the menu. In the UK, the number of vegans has quadrupled over the last five years. While 62% of US consumers say they are trying to eat more fruits and vegetables right now.
But while most of us might consider replacing soda with a healthy smoothie or a cool glass of water, global brand Sprite has other ideas.
With zero sugar, zero calories, and yes, “dietary fiber”, Sprite Fiber+ made its debut in Chongqing in 2018. The soda has since become a widely available beverage across China.
According to Sprite’s marketing team, one bottle of soda contains around the same amount of fiber as two apples. While not guaranteed to keep the doctor away, the soda is touted as a nutritious option.
With many people now more aware of the relationship between fiber and overall health, some are starting to opt for Sprite instead.
So why can’t you walk into a store outside China and grab a soda instead of a salad? According to recent data, dietary fiber has been in continuous decline over the past 30 years.
While there are no plans to introduce Sprite Fiber+ to Western markets, products with added fiber in China are increasing in popularity.
This trend matches the changing diets of health-conscious consumers.
Crucially, Fiber Sprite+ is also tailored to the lifestyle of a younger Chinese generation who want to get healthy fast. Products like Sprite Fiber+ combines convenience with the appeal of a healthier lifestyle.
The soda is a healthier option for those who don’t have as much time as they would like for exercise and clean eating with the responsibility of work and family.
Food and beverages with extra fiber are a growing market, with the number of products available worldwide rising 17% between 2014 and 2018.
This market is likely to grow further into this decade. But is this a case of convenience over taste?
Having tried Sprite Fiber+ in 2020, the soda certainly had the texture of a Sprite-flavoured smoothie. Would I rather just eat two apples? Probably, yes.
Tell us what you think in the comments!