If you like cosmetics, you have probably seen intricate carvings on eyeshadow palettes and lipsticks all over social media. 

These pieces of art are so beautiful it almost hurts to use them. 

Here are the top five most social media-ready Chinese makeup brands.

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  1. 1 Florasis (花西子 Huā xīzǐ)

    Florasis has taken the internet by storm with its gorgeous aesthetics. Many products have intricate floral patterns, phoenixes or characters from a Chinese story embossed on. 

    The limited collection pictured above celebrated the Miao ethnic minority. They have also collaborated with the Chinese fashion brand Heaven Gaia

    The palettes are rather versatile because you can use them as eyeshadow, highlighter and blush. The shades are mostly neutral so they are wearable daily.

    Palette swatches from UCANBE BELLE on Amazon

    Florasis is probably most famous for the palette pictured above. 

    But getting your hands on their products is tricky. Purchasing from their official Taobao store is the safest, but it is not the most accessible option. You can also buy it on Lilymilly

    Be careful of dupes on Amazon and Aliexpress! Check reviews on the site or other platforms, like Alison Appenheimer's review and PANBOOZ's review on Youtube. 

    Lastly, this brand is not cruelty-free. China’s laws require tests on animals for all imported cosmetics. To avoid animal testing, companies have to get a certification.

  2. 2 Zeesea Cosmetics

    Zeesea’s “Alice in Wonderland” palettes each have a fun little surprise. The lids of these palettes have a snow globe effect where glitter cascades down. 

    The light-catching sparkly background highlights the beautiful silhouette designs on the cover, too.

    To see the effect, check out this Youtube review from Yuna (turn on captions).

    Enchanting Egypt palettes from Zeesea Cosmetics WebsiteThe company also has a collection with the British Museum. There are six different palettes with beautiful Egyptian designs on the packaging. 

    I have purchased the Scarab palette, which has many pink shades. The shimmer shades are pretty and the mattes are decent. However, there are a limited variety of eye looks.

    Alexandra Anele recently did a video reviewing some of Zeesea’s products.

    Their website states they are cruelty-free.

  3. 3 Palace Identity (正宫御品 Zhènggōng yù pǐn)

    Palace Identity is a more recent beauty brand, founded in 2020 as a sister brand to Zeesea Cosmetics. Their Phoenix Foundation stands out and would look great on display. 

    Sadly, there are limited shades ranging from pale to very pale. Palace Identity should expand its shade range to be more inclusive and better cater to international clientele.

    Those who like the brand’s aesthetics but cannot use their complexion products should try their lip products. 

    The lipstick pictured above has a golden Chinese dragon slithering around the tube. It also has a dragon design embossed on the lipstick. The lipstick comes in three red shades. 

    Their website also states that they are cruelty-free.

  4. 4 Perfect Diary Cosmetics (完美日记 Wánměi rìjì)

    Perfect Diary is one of China’s most popular makeup brands. In 2018, it ranked first among Chinese makeup brands

    The brand has several 12-pan cardboard palettes with cute animal packaging, such as sika deer, cat, fancy carp and holographic bunny

    Their collection with Chinese National Geography stands out the most. The packaging features stunning landscapes of a terraced field, lake, plateau and Danxia.  

    All the palettes have shimmer shades with swirly marbled patterns.

    • The terraced field palette has purple, green, yellow and red shades.

    • Lake (pictured above) has predominantly blue shades with a couple of neutral shades. 

    • Plateau has many purple and pink shades.

    • Danxia has red and light gold shades. 

  5. 5

    Flower Knows’ products all have dreamy, ethereal and cutesy packaging. They have a wide range of lip products with cherubs on the caps. 

    They also have these icy highlighters pictured above with rococo packaging.

    Unicorn Blush from Devil Inspired Website

    If you like unicorns and watched magical girl animes growing up, you will love Flower Knows' unicorn collection. 

    The blush has an opal effect and a unicorn with a flowing mane on the lid. The collection also has liquid lipsticks, five-pan eyeshadow palettes and a setting powder.  

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Vivien Cheng

Vivien Cheng is a student pursuing a B.A. in Mandarin and a minor in international relations. She hopes to aid in policy-making.
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