After a long day at school or work, you want to relax. Here are three channels that will mesmerize you and make you forget all your worries.

  1. 1 小芊枫 XiaoQianFeng

    XiaoQianFeng is a design and aesthetics blogger in Zhaoqing, Guangdong. Her videos show her process to create amazing cosplay items like a Gundam suit, MechaGodzilla armor and a wearable robot. 

    She also has craft videos for household items like plant stands, chairs and candle holders. It’s mind-blowing to see what sheets of foam and thermoplastic can make. 

    In most of her videos, there is no speaking or captions. There is just beautiful scenery and her creations slowly coming together. 

    It makes you appreciate artisans for their dedication and patience. It also reminds you to do things at your own pace. 

    If you want to follow her work on platforms other than YouTube, here are her Weibo and Instagram.

  2. 2 我们的小喜 XiaoXi's Culinary Idyll

    XiaoXi is a Taiwanese creator. His channel has cooking, crafting and gardening videos. 

    The first video I watched was of him making a homemade copper incense burner. I was mesmerized by the artistry and the craftsmanship. He carved and shaped the wax by hand and then casted the liquid copper into the mold. He also made a DIY kiln and vacuum chamber!

    XiaoXi makes incredible crafts in his workshop in a rural area. It must be peaceful being surrounded by nature and crafting without any distractions. 

    He also includes some captions about the materials and process in the video if you feel brave enough to make your own.

    If you want to follow his work elsewhere, here is his Weibo.

  3. 3 Cloud Dog Grooming

    This channel has both Chinese and English subtitles so you can understand what the dog groomer is doing. 

    Just scrolling through the videos sparks joy because the thumbnails are so cute! Look at this thumbnail:

    Bichon Frise Grooming

    But wait, it gets even cuter. 

    When the dogs are in the bath, the groomer turns on the bubbles and lights in the tub. The dogs even have a teal Elmo-looking snood around their head. The groomer also massages the dogs. You can see how much the dogs are enjoying it. It looks like such a pampering spa experience. 

    These channels are great to watch before bed, after a midterm study session or after a really long day at work. 

    If you’re looking for even more YouTube channels on different topics check out this article.

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Vivien Cheng

Vivien Cheng is a student pursuing a B.A. in Mandarin and a minor in international relations. She hopes to aid in policy-making.
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