From cashew chicken, sweet and sour soup, lo mein, and ginger beef, large urban cities like New York and Los Angeles have numerous options for great Chinese food. 

In fact, there are 41,000+ Chinese restaurants spread across the United States. So, Chinese food is as common as McDonald’s apple pie. In cities like NYC, Chinese food is embedded in the city’s cultural fabric. 

Yet, it is still difficult to find real, authentic Chinese food. Here’s the good news:  I, a native Chinese, have picked the top food delivery apps that specialize in authentic, tasty Chinese food. After reading this article, you will never have to do a ‘hit or miss’ search on Seamless again.

  1. 1 Ricepo

    The slogan of Ricepo is “Experience the Taste of Home”. It has the most users in the States who love Asian food. It offers you a wide breadth of selections of authentic Asian restaurants near your location, and always delivers food on time. From the delicious spicy dry pot of Mala Project to a variety of mango desserts and rice balls of Mango Mango, Ricepo will never disappoint you.

  2. 2 Chowbus

    Chowbus is a food delivery platform offering the best Asian cuisine in Chicago, Boston, New York, Lansing, Champaign, and Philadelphia. Aside from authentic meals it offers, it focuses on eliminating service fees to attract more users. The founder of this App, WEN Linxin, talked about why he initiated this plan in an interview with TechCrunch, “When I first came to the U.S. five years ago, I found most restaurants I really liked [weren’t] on Grubhub nor other major delivery platforms and the delivery fees were quite high. So I thought, maybe I can build a platform to support these restaurants.”

  3. 3 Hungry Panda

    With its 24 hours customer service in both Chinese and English, Hungry Panda is a considerate “foodie companion” that always keeps you in the loop. It delivers food and even products from Chinese supermarkets, and aims at letting you “enjoy Asian cuisine in the comfort of your home”.

  4. 4 Postmates

    Postmates [CC BY-SA 4.0 (]

    Although Postmates is a big name food deliver App, its selection surprised me when I first downloaded it. With Postmates, I can easily get rice noodles from my favorite restaurant that is five miles away from my home. “Wow, you actually deliver that?” I shouted when I found the best cheese foam tea place “Debutea” on its food map. The only shortcoming of Postmates is its high service fee. After paying for its annual membership to exclude the delivery fee, I still have to pay an extra five dollars.

    Hope these suggestions help you find the most authentic Chinese food in the United States! 

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