Many fortunes were inspired by Chinese New Year. Check out their website out for more! 

  1. Pick your Chinese Zodiac

    1. Ox
    2. Rat
    3. Tiger
    4. Rabbit
    5. Dragon
    6. Snake
    7. Horse
    8. Goat
    9. Monkey
    10. Rooster
    11. Dog
    12. Pig

How Should You Spend the New Year? Take this Chinese Zodiac Quiz to Find Out!

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  1. Quiz result

    This is your year, Ox!

    People born in the year of the ox are hard workers with a strong sense of responsibility. Even in the face of difficulties, you will persevere. 

    You are usually quiet and keep your emotions bottled up. Try taking a moment to clearly communicate your feelings. Journaling or visualizing your feelings will help others understand you. 

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    Spend a little cash, Rat!

    People born in the year of the rat like saving and collecting. Try treating yourself to something you saved up for, or give a nice gift to someone you think of highly. 

    Rats don’t look for praise or recognition, but when you take risks they are usually successful.

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    Center yourself, Tiger!

    People born in the year of the tiger are independent and have high self-esteem. They enjoy being a leader and protector of average people. While you enjoy fighting for justice and never back down from an argument, try listening to the other side of the argument. 

    Recklessness is your biggest weakness. Taking a moment to center yourself and rely on your unending courage will always allow you to stand back up and succeed in the end.

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  4. Quiz result

    Fall in love, Rabbit!

    People born in the year of the rabbit are gentle, intelligent and chic. Your attention to detail will lead you to great career success, but make sure you use your voice to speak up for what you want. 

    This year may hold the possibility of love for you. If you find the right person, you will love them to the moon and back. Let yourself chase after that crush. Enjoy the feeling of letting yourself love. 

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    Shine on, Dragon!

    People born in the year of the dragon have a heart of adventure and romance. Your personality is mysterious and unique, to the point that people have a hard time understanding your brilliance. 

    Luckily, you should be indifferent to what the average person thinks. Your vigor and ambition will outshine those around you. Don't let 2020 dim your light. Continue to shine on into 2021, and it will reflect some sparkle back to you. 

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    Open up, Snake!

    People born in the year of the snake are idealists. You hide behind a cold exterior but everyone will instantly fall in love with your warm enthusiasm if you choose to let it shine through. 

    You are devoted and determined to fight against any form of laziness. Try opening yourself up to someone new in 2021. You might be suprised how easy it is for you to make a new friend. 

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    Chase after your dreams, Horse!

    People born in the year of the horse are never one to surrender. Your positive energy propels you towards the future. Chase after your biggest desire: to have the freedom to do what you like and be able to express yourself. 

    You may struggle to keep secrets and lose interest in things quickly, so try to maintain attention to your current projects, or very your interests!

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    Let your passions grow, Goat!

    People born in the year of the goat are pure and kind of heart. Instead of suffering silently, don’t be afraid to stand your ground and argue your position. 

    You will do anything to fulfill your wishes; let that passion permeate your entire life. You have a soft power of politely persuading others in your favor.

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    Get that energy up, Monkey!

    People born in the year of the monkey do things based on interest. You likely will not create your best work for things you don’t actually care about. 

    When you are interested, you put your entire heart and soul into it. Try living this year full of energy and curiosity for the world.

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    Plan, Rooster!

    People born in the year of the rooster are able to empathize with those around them. You have quick reactions and make great friends. 

    You have a cunning side that lends to your talent in the arts. Use your foresight to plan ahead.

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    Celebrate, Dog!

    People born in the year of the dog are conservative and full of justice. Your loyalty places your value in your work. 

    You rarely break rules and live a quiet life with your family. Don’t be afraid to celebrate the joys in your life and spread your energy to those around you.

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    Communicate, Pig!

    People born in the year of the pig think logically and are able to rationally approach problems. 

    You should work on your communication skills, but your kind nature always provides for the ones you love. 

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Emma Federer is a wacky screenwriter that uses her voice to celebrate of all things Asian: from C-pop to female stand-ups to the heart-warming experiences of queer Asian Americans.
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