Recently, a new game called Script Kill has become popular in China. You can find the game everywhere, no matter how big or small the city may be. It has become the first choice for what to do among groups of friends. Let’s find out why.

The Basics

First of all, Script Kill is a game about finding the truth. Each game provides different murders' background stories. The players' main goal is to find the real murderer.

The game needs at least four or five people to start and can take from three to seven hours to finish.

Participants are assigned a role randomly and receive a transcript with their character’s personality and relationships with others, what bad things the character has done, whether he or she is the murderer, and so on.

The point is that everyone in the story has done something bad to each other, but there’s only one person who has committed the murder. By interacting and talking with others, players can get clues from the conversation and others’ unnatural reactions about what others have done.

In-person Scrpt Kill 


This game became popular thanks to a TV show called "Who’s the Murderer" on Mango TV. This show invites famous stars to play the script kill game.

TV show "Who's the Murderer"'s title card There are some fixed guests for each episode such as the famous host Sa Beining, He Jiong and the actor Wang Ou. There are also different guests per episode, such as Liu Haoran, who add something new each time.

Liu HaoranThe main characters of "Who's the Murderer"

Attractive, Different, and Outstanding Point

Some people may say, "I know this game, it’s the same as the Mafia!" 

It’s true that Script Kill is under the same genre as Mafia and Among Us, but there are some big differences. 

Unlike Mafia, which allows the killer role to kill people every night, Script Kill only has the murder at the beginning. Another difference is that it will provide players with all the background information at the beginning of the game. 

Also, Script Kill has a more complete setup. It gives a whole story, including personal relations, things that happened between all the members, and more. It makes you feel like the game is a real-life murder case. 

Moreover, as its popularity grows Script Kill is becoming more and more advanced and elaborate. Some store centers provide costumes to wear and allow participants to search for evidence in the store. They provide a simulated real murder scene.

Accessibility of the Game

Worried about the price? What about students with only little pocket money? Script Kill is cheap and suitable for everyone to participate, even for students. Stores only charge 50 yuan (eight U.S. dollars) per person to play the game.

Stories with more complicated puzzles and more elaborate setups will be more expensive, but basic ones are good enough for beginners to have fun with friends.

There are also some Script Kill apps such as Jubensha so people can play the game at home. It is more convenient that people can play anywhere, but I believe it is less interesting than reading a paper script and finding evidence.

But for those who have no Script Kill in their cities, the app would be a good choice!

Jubensha app

People never thought before that a TV show game could become daily life entertainment. Its novelty is different from previous games. The ability to fulfill people’s desires for reasoning promotes its popularity in every city in China.

In the end, age does not matter. No matter adolescents or adults, Script Kill is definitely a great activity for hanging out. So what are you waiting for! Come and join a Script Kill game.

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Xinyi Wang

Xinyi is a student majoring in Economics at the College of William & Mary. She enjoys her spare time happily and tries to share relaxing things in Chinese ways with you all.
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