If you are an early riser and love breakfast, Beijing will not let you down. 

Breakfast in Beijing is a mixture of various culinary traditions: from the Mongolians to the Manchurians, from Muslims to the Han Chinese, centuries of deliciousness can be found in the city in abundance. 

  1. 1 Chaogan (炒肝儿 chǎo gān er)

    Made with pork liver, intestines, and starch, Chaogan is a distinctly Beijing breakfast item. 

    The special texture and exotic ingredients make it disliked by some people but also the favorite of many. 

    Chaogan is believed to be a dish with Manchurian roots and is often enjoyed together with Baozi (包子 bāo zi), a Chinese bun with meat or vegetable fillings.

  2. 2 Douzhi (豆汁儿 dòu zhī er)

    Douzhi is basically fermented soy milk except that it is made of mung beans, sometimes known as green beans (绿豆 lǜ dòu).  

    The fermentation gives the Douzhi an egg-like taste while the seasoning gives it both sweet and salty flavors. 

    People from other parts of China rarely get used to such special taste, but it is definitely one of the favorites of the locals. 

    Also, Douzhi is often enjoyed with Jiaoquan (焦圈 jiāo quān), a donut-like deep-fried crispy bracelet. 

  3. 3 Shaobing Sandwich (烧饼夹肉 shāo bǐng jiá ròu)

    There are many kinds of sandwiches in China, out of which the Roujiamo from Shaanxi Province is probably the most famous. 

    Both Shaanxi Roujiamo and Beijing Shaobing Sandwich are the results of the integration of Muslim and Han Chinese dietary habits. 

    With an appetizing flat bread and plenty of meat fillings, this sandwich will definitely start off your day with energy. 

  4. 4 Meat Dragon (肉龙 ròu lóng)

    Yes, the meat dragon. Even the name makes my mouth water. 

    This dish is a favorite of meat-lovers in Beijing. Each bite contains layers of textures with both bread and meat fillings. And each restaurant or family has their own recipe for marinating the meat fillings. 

    The meat dragon does not have surprising flavors like other dishes introduced here, but it is undoubtedly the most satisfactory breakfast to have!

  5. 5 Miancha (面茶 miàn chá)

    Miancha or sometimes called Youchamian (油茶面儿 yóu chá miàn er), is a congee-like liquid made of ground millet and different types of nuts

    This dish comes from the dietary habits of northern nomadic tribes in China. 

    Sometimes made salty and sometimes sweet, Miancha has a very thick texture and is extremely rich in flavors. It is a must-try for anyone who visits Beijing!

    Are you a Mandarin learner? Are you down for a Free Trip to China?

    If so, share your story of speaking and learning Chinese with us at #WhySpeakChinese2020 contest and win your tickets!

    For the detail of the contest and how to apply, go to
    < www.chinosity.com/whyspeakchinese2020 >

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