Tik Tok, a viral music app, has become a global sensation. The popular app has topped the Apple Store download list with 500 million+ downloads- more than Instagram and Snapchat. 

What's interesting about a popular app? Tik Tok is actually the international version of a Chinese app called Dou Yin (抖音), which is owned by ByteDance. In 2017, Tik Tok began to spread throughout the US and the rest is history.

This app is incredibly addicting, from creating videos to scrolling through endless clips. Not only do teens use Dou Yin, but many Chinese celebrities have also collected millions of fans via the app. This includes Dou Yin celeb favs- Chen He with 50.7 million fans and Dilraba with 46.7 million fans. 

Compared to other viral challenge platforms, Tik Tok gives you many more options. On Snapchat, you can only send and post pictures or videos. On Tik Tok, you can leave comments, reactions, likes, and even do duets. These videos can include music, filters, and multiple sound effects. 

Challenges include dancing, comedy, makeup videos, lip syncing, and more. 

Here are some of the most popular Dou Yin challenges!  

  1. 1 Baby Shark

    This compilation of Dou Yin videos is of people dancing to Baby Shark, but not the exact song or dance you’re thinking of… 

  2. 2 Getting My Coco

    The name of the challenge is Getting My Coco, and you may think the people are singing along to a song, but they are definitely not! You’ll  be saying “ow” when watching this. 

  3. 3 Tchu Tcha Tcha

    The Tchu Tcha Tcha Dance challenge is actually based off of a Brazilian song, but Dou Yin has turned it into a challenge. Watch these people dance to the song literally everywhere, even on the top of buildings! 

  4. 4 Makeup Transformations

    These makeup videos are really the definition of a glow up. With colored contact lenses, face tape, and just lots of overall makeup, these girls and women record themselves creating amazing makeup transformations. 

  5. 5 Oh Na Na Na

    The Oh Na Na Na Dance Challenge showcases groups and individuals shuffling their feet along to a very complicated footwork sequence. Do you think you could do it? 

  6. 6 Hey Girl Do You Like Me?

    This comedy challenge is called Hey Girl Do You Like Me? At first, the answer is a clear no, but then, the one being refused does something (like show their stack of credit cards) to change the answer to a yes. 

    Which challenge did you like best? Tell us in the comment section. 

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