Since 1928, when the first movie on Mulan, Mulan Joins the Army (木蘭從軍), came out (unfortunately the movie is believed to be a lost film that cannot be recovered), more than a dozen films on this heroic figure have been made around the world. Out of all these movies, the 1998 Disney musical film Mulan is probably the most popular ever, even among the Chinese audience. However, there are also some great Mulan films in Chinese! Each also reflects the spirit of its own age. I would be interesting to keep in mind what China was going through when these movies were made.
1 Maiden in Armour 木蘭從軍 (1939)
Mulan in Armour is the earliest film on Hua Mulan that can be found since the 1928 movie Mulan Joins the Army is lost forever. Directed by pioneer director Richard Poh and staring Nancy Chan, this movie was made when the Sino-Japanese War was well underway. And it is among many works of Poh that were intended to encourage the Chinese people, both men and women, to stand up and fight the Japanese invasion.